Friday, July 31, 2020


Principle:-Potato Dextrose Agar is composed of dehydrated Potato Infusion and Dextrose that encourage luxuriant fungal growth. Agar is added as the solidifying agent. Many standard procedures use a specified amount of sterile tartaric acid (10%) to lower the pH of this medium to 3.5 +/- 0.1, inhibiting bacterial growth. Chloramphenicol acts as a selective agent to inhibit bacterial overgrowth of competing microorganisms from mixed specimens, while permitting the selective isolation of fungi.

Potato infusion200 gm
Dextrose20 gm
Agar20 gm
Distilled water1 liter

Aspergillus flavus and penicilium chrysogenum can be cultivated in PDA medium. 
And antibiotic can also be used to promot fungal growth and prevent bacterial growth. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Human microbiome dependence.


microorganisms are everywhere  in air you breath,water you drink,food that you eat and everywhere inside your body.
They are three times more in our body than our cells.formed billion years partnership with humans.Contribute to initial oxygen on earth.Comprise the largest organism in earth by area.
                                       microbiome describes all of the microorganism including Bacteria,virus,fungi, Archea in a particular environment The microbiome in our gut environment is known as gut microbiome.These microbes can be symbiotic and pathogenic living in vertebrates.
the microbes in gut microbiome metabolises the food that we cannot and also influence immune system and neurobehavioural traits.they communicate through small signaling molecules.Humans develope their relationship with microbes in mothers womb pregnant mother release some molecules that make sure their way to fetal cavities and seed the child before birth.

                         Special sugars that are present in mothers breastfeed the baby as well as microbe for rapid development of brain and microbial population.Among the many components of milk glycans which comprise free oligosaccharide,Glycolipid,glycoprotein.areincreasingly recognised as driver for gut microbiota.and these glycan expose PLEITROPIC  function.Conferring protection against infectious agents and als functioning as prebiotic.
                           we not only live with them but also depend upon vast army of to stay alive.and every human have a distinctive microbiome.human gut microbiome is considered as an area of great assurance for better understanding of human health and disease.It is considered that the bacteria in gut microbiiome encodes for thousands of genes and thatg encodes and manufactures thousands of metabolites.Which has the potential to replace many of the function in host.and there  are several piece of evidence that indicate  the human immune systemand microbes communicate with each others and any imbalance in gut microbiome can lead to disease.
SKin flora:-                
                                skin flora refers to the microorganism which reside on the skin(human body's largest organ) typically human skin many of them aree bacteria of which there are around 1000 species from 19phyla mostly found in superficial layer of epidermis and upper part of hair folicle.The cutaneous innate and adaptive  immune response can modulate the skin microbiota but microbiota also function in educating immune system.
Urogenital microbiota:-
                                                            Below urinary bladder  the normal microbiota of male urinogenital system is found  primarily withine distal urethra and include bacterial species that are commonly associated with the skin  microbiota. in woman the normal microbiota is found within the distal one third of the urethra and the vagina.The normal microbiota of vagina becomes established  shortly after brth and  and is complex and dynamic population of bacteria  that fluctuate in response to enviromental changes.Vaginal microbiota plays an important role in the nospecific defence against vaginal infection and (STDs) Sexually transmitted disease.
Respiratory system microbiota:-   
                                                                                     The upper respiratory tract contains an abundant and diverse microbiota.The nasal passqaage and sinuses are primarily colonized  by members of Firmicutes,Actinobacteria and proteobacteria.
                    Treating microbiome health to sustain human health 

                      Ingestion of good bacteria by prebiotic capsules/suppliments .Positive effect on microbiome prevents bad bacteria  and keep your gut as well as you healthy.
                        Feed good bacteria in body in order to promte population.
                                       use of by products of good bacteria which also show positive effect in good bacteria.
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