About us

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

we beleive that we can improve all pharma students to industrials and researchers by creating this pharma encyclopedia which will be freely available to all life science and biosciences students, industrialists and as well as for reasearchers throughout the world. 

As  we are all student from 12-16 years of academic life we all are bored of our life and we all are always looking forward to get a job. but what exactly happens is all of us  are always in hurry to leave the academic life and start a job/industry life.

After our bachelors and masters we feel that we are victimized by  our education system and we want to get rid of it. Today most of us feel we are victim of education system and tomorrow we feel that we are victim of economy. 

To eliminate the feeling that we are victim of education system and victim of economy we need to master ourself, To master yourself we wil provide you all information and current research TO 


We should be champion of our field.

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