Wednesday, June 24, 2020

|Terms to know for every life science and bioscience student|BIOLOGICAL TERMS|MUST KNOW TERMS FOR LIFE SCIENCE AND BIOSCIENCE STUDENTS|


AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome): disease caused by the HIV virus. Results in a 
severely compromised immune system, leaving the host susceptible to even typically harmless 

Airborne transmission: transmission of a pathogen through the air via attachment to dust or tiny 
respiratory droplets. Can remain in the air for potentially long times and distances. 
Anteroom: a room with the same relative air pressure as the isolation room it serves. This is 
where healthcare personnel and visitors perform hand hygiene and don/remove required PPE 
before entering the isolation room.

Anthrax: disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Spread via very resistant spores 
resulting in concerns over its potential use in biological warfare. 

Antibiotics: also known as antibacterials. Any chemical that inhibits or kills bacteria. 

Antibody: a diverse class of proteins produced by B cells (part of the immune system). They bind 
to antigens on the surface of pathogens, essentially targeting them for destruction by the immune system.

Antifungals: any chemical that inhibits or destroys fungi. 

Antigenic drift: small genetic mutations in viral genomes that happen continuously as the 
virus replicates. Usually results in viruses with similar antigens that the immune system can 
still recognise and respond to, providing cross protection.

Antigenic shift: the process in which two or more viruses combine genomes to form an 
entirely new strain.

Antihelminths: any chemical that inhibits or kills helminths

Anti-microbial: any substance that kills or stops the growth of microorganisms. 

Antiprions: any chemical that inhibits or destroys prions.

Antiprotozoans: any chemical that inhibits or kills protozoans.

Antivirals: Any chemical that inhibits or destroys viruses.

Avian flu: variety of influenza found in birds. Strains have emerged via antigenic shift that can 
infect humans.

Bacteria: single celled prokaryotic organisms .

Bacteriophage: virus that infects bacteria.

Botulism: disease caused by the botulinum toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium 
botulinum. Prevents muscle contraction. 

Bubonic plague: disease caused by Yersinia pestis infection of the lymphatic system. Causes 
lymph nodes to swell resulting in ‘buboes’, hence the name.

Cell: the basic component of an organism. Contains organelles which perform specific 
functions required for the organism to live.

Chicken pox (varicella): disease caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV). Causes 
characteristic itchy rash. Once infection is over, the virus remains dormant within the host, 
and may reappear, resulting in the disease Shingles. 

Cholera: a diarrheal disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Enters via the mouth, 
affects the digestive system, and is shed via faeces.

Cleaning: removal of obvious stains such as soil and organic matter. 

Cohorting: grouping contagious patients together when single rooms are unavailable.
Colonisation: the habitation of a pathogen on/in a host without causing disease. Can be 
beneficial for the host or neutral. 

Compliance: when someone does what another person has asked him or her to do

Conjugation: direct contact between two 
bacteria, usually via a tube-like bridge called a pilus, 
in order to transfer genetic material.

Contact transmission: transmission via either direct physical contact with contaminated 
bodily fluids or indirect contact via a fomite or vector.
Contagious (see infectious)

Contaminate: to expose a surface or organism to a pathogen.

Cowpox: disease in cows caused by cowpox virus. 

Cyst: dormant forms of bacteria and protozoans capable of surviving extremely harsh 
conditions for lengthy periods of time


Direct transmission: when the infection can be passed on to the next host via physical contact.

Disease: when the ability of a cell or tissue to perform a normal physiological process is 
compromised. This is often due to damage or loss of function of key molecules or cells and leads 
to the visible features that we term signs and symptoms.

Disinfection: inactivation of non-sporing infectious agents via heat or chemical means.

Droplet transmission: transmission of a pathogen via respiratory mucous expelled via sneezing 
or coughing. Can only travel up to ~ 3 feet (91cm) from the infected person .


Ebola: a hemorrhagic (bleeding/bruising) fever disease caused by ebola viruses. Spreads via 
direct contact with contaminated bodily fluids.

Emerging disease: infectious disease whose incidence has recently increased or may 
increase in the future. Typically are newly discovered or previously unknown pathogens. 
Example: HIV. 

Endemic: infectious disease present at a constant level within a region.

Epidemic: the increased incidence or the emergence of a disease in a region. 

Epidemiology: the study of disease patterns in populations.

Eukaryote – an organism whose cells contain a clearly defined membrane-encased nucleus and 
organelles. Can be unicellular (single celled) or multicellular (multiple cells).


Fomite: non-living object that can be contaminated and transfer pathogens. E.g. tissues

Fungi: eukaryotic organisms that can exist in and switch between two forms: a unicellular form 
(yeast) and a multicellular form (filamentous) which is often referred to as mould.


Genome: a complete set of DNA or RNA
  • H

Healthcare associated infection (HAI): infection acquired from a healthcare setting such as a 

Helminth: parasitic worm. Is multicellular and eukaryotic.

Hendra virus: zoonotic disease caused by Heniparviruses. Transfers from fruit bats to horses, 
and then to humans. 

Horizontal gene transfer: transfer of genetic material from one organism to another 
(particularly bacteria) not via reproductive methods.

Host: an organism harboring another organism/s on or in itself. 

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): virus that infects vital cells of the immune system, 
eventually resulting in the disease Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Is considered 
an emerging disease of pandemic proportions. 


Incidence: the frequency of a disease within a population. 

Indirect transmission: transmission that does not require physical contact. This can be via droplet 
or airborne transmission, or via a fomite or vector.

Infection: disease caused by an infectious agent (pathogen). Pathogen invades the host and 
replicates, causing an immune response. 

Infectious agent: an agent that can cause infection. There are 6 classes: viruses, bacteria, fungi, 
protozoa, helminths, and prions.

Infectious period: the time period during which infected hosts are able to transmit their infection 
to another susceptible host. Does not necessarily coincide with disease signs and symptoms. 

Infectious (contagious): infected hosts capable of transmitting a pathogen to another host.

Ingestion: a type of contact transmission. Involves the consumption of (usually) food or drink 
through the mouth.

Inhalation: a type of transmission involving the intake of air into the lungs (breathing). Can be 
either airborne or droplet transmission.

Inoculation: a type of contact transmission, this involves direct or indirect blood to blood contact. Often occurs through sharing needles, or through cuts and other skin openings. 

Legionnaire’s Disease: disease caused by any type of Legionella bacteria.

Lysogenic virus: viruses that disrupt the host cell’s normal functioning.

Lytic virus: viruses that kill the host cell.


Malaise: general feeling of discomfort or that something is wrong.

Malaria: a disease caused by parasitic protozoans of the genus Plasmodium. Spread by

Measles: respiratory disease caused by the measles virus. Spreads via airborne transmission.

Microorganisms: tiny organisms, that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Includes bacteria and

Mould: the multicellular form of fungi.
MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus): multidrug resistant strains of S.aureus. Is
currently most common HAI.

Myalgia: muscle pain.
Mycovirus: virus than can infect fungi.


Normal flora: microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that normally inhabit a host without causing
disease. Can be beneficial to the host or 

neutralInoculation: a type of contact transmission, this involves direct or indirect blood to blood contact. 
Often occurs through sharing needles, or through cuts and other skin openings.


Opportunistic pathogens: pathogens that only cause disease when the opportunity arises, such 
as when the host becomes immunocompromised due to prior infection. 
Organism: a life form. Can be single celled or multicellular.
Outbreak: a sudden increase in incidence of infectious disease in a region. Precursor to 


Pandemic: A widespread or worldwide epidemic.

Pathogen (see infectious agent)

Penicillins: Class of antibiotic that disrupts the formation of the peptidoglycan cell walls. 

Pertussis: See Whooping cough. 

PPE (personal protective equipment): equipment worn in order to protect against infection. 
Includes gowns, masks and gloves. 
Pestilence: a deadly disease of epidemic proportions. Term is interchangeable with plague. 

Pilus: hair like appendage found on bacteria. Used to transfer genetic material.

Plague: a deadly disease of epidemic proportions; term is interchangeable with pestilence. 
However this term is often used to specifically describe the disease caused by the bacterium 
Yersinia pestis.

Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by bacteria and viruses.

Pneumonic plague: disease caused by Yersinia pestis infection of the respiratory system.

Prion: infectious and defective protein. Able to convert normal proteins to defective form.

Poliomyelitis: Long name for polio, a disease caused by Poliovirus.

Portal of entry: the place where the infectious agent enters the host.

Portal of exit: the place where the infectious agent leaves the reservoir. 

Prokaryote: an organism whose cells’ nuclei and organelles are free floating and are not clearly membrane-encased.

Protozoan – a singled celled eukaryotic organism. Incredibly diverse class of organisms.


Quarantine: the physical separation of potentially exposed individuals


Rabies: zoonotic disease caused by lyssaviruses. Affects the central nervous system and nearly 
always causes death. 

Re-emerging disease: previously problematic diseases whose incidences are rapidly rising or 
threaten to rise again. Example: Malaria. 
Reservoir: the place the organism is found and sustained. Can be an organism or a non-living 
thing such as soil and water. 

Retroviruses: viruses capable of integrating its genetic material into the host’s DNA, 
remaining dormant for potentially decades before causing disease again. Example: Chicken 

Rinderpest: an eradicated disease mostly affecting cattle caused by the Rinderpest virus 


SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome): a respiratory disease caused by the SARS 
coronavirus (SARS-CoV). 

Septicaemic plague: disease caused by Yersinia pestis infection of the circulatory system.
Shingles: see Chicken Pox.

Sign: objective evidence of disease. Example: fever.

Smallpox: disease caused by the Smallpox virus. Eradicated due to the production and 
distribution of vaccines. 

Spore: a resilient microscopic particle which can survive in harsh conditions for long periods of 

Standard Based precautions: set of IPC protocols used on all patients even if they show no sign 
of infection.

Sterilization: the destruction of all infectious agents via heat or chemical means.

Susceptible host: host who is likely to become infected when exposed to an infectious agent.

Swine flu: variety of influenza found in pigs. Strains have emerged via antigenic shift that can 
infect humans.

Symptom: subjective evidence of disease described by the patient. Example: feeling hot.


Transformation: the intake of loose genetic matter from dead bacteria and its subsequent 
incorporation into the genome of the live one.

Transmission: the process by which a pathogen transfers from one host to another.

TBP (transmission based precautions): set of IPC protocols performed in conjunction with 
standard precautions. Used once a patient has been found or suspected to be infectious with a 
pathogen not containable with standard precautions alone. 

Tetanus: disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. Causes uncontrollable and severe 
muscle spasms.

Toxoplasmosis: disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Usually harmless, but 
can cause birth defects if contracted during pregnancy. 

Treatment: the provision of medicine or services to an infected person in order to eliminate the 
infection, reduce its effects, or to provide relief.
Tuberculosis: a respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

U, V

Vaccination: the injection of antigenic material (vaccine) to stimulate an individual's immune 
system to develop immunity against a pathogen.
Vector: organism that spread infectious diseases without being diseased themselves. Examples: 
mosquitoes and ticks.

Vertical gene transfer: the transference of genes to offspring.

Vibrio cholerae: The bacterium that causes cholera

Viral hepatitis: liver inflammation due to viral infection. There are five types labelled A - E. 

Virulence: the ability level of a pathogen to infect or damage a host. 

Virus: Non-living infectious agent simply consisting of a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a 
protein coat. May or may not be enveloped by a layer of lipid. 

W, X, Y, Z

Whooping cough (Pertussis): respiratory disease caused by bacterium Bordetella pertussis.

Zoonotic disease: an infectious disease transmitted from animals to humans. Transmission can 
be direct or via a vector.

🤓Thank you 🤓

Friday, June 5, 2020

The epidemic of sleep deprivation|Insomnia|Sleep loss|

And it make me eligible to give information about sleep deprivation epidemic to all people.

Firstly the word deprivation :-
                                         The lack of benefits considered to be a basic necessities  in society.

Sleep deprivation:-
                                The lack of sleep is known as sleep deprivation.

                         Most of people's are affected from sleep deprivation epidemic and mostly in developing countries.
                         The word epidemic because it is constantly spreading and growing and it is caused due to the attitude in society that sleep is highly compressible so we can compress it to gain more productivity but rather tha gaining productivity we gain aggressiveness,insomnia, lazy, drowsy and lack of concentration and many more diseases.
                       And it is a real problem because now we have more and more evidence that sleep loss both accutely or when it is a chronic a little sleep loss over many nights can lead to very serious consequences for our health and brain function.
                      Maximum people's are not aware of it that's why people's are not taught often and the attitude developed.
            3 in 10 working adults report that the sleep less than 6 hours in 24 hour periode. 
         7-9 hours of sleep is recomended to adults.
          Sleep deprivation is public health hazard:-
                          Sleep deprivation hurt cognitive process of learning and thinking and it impairs alertness,concentration, Reasoning,problem solving and dumbs you down.
          And also if you don't get enough sleep you won't be able to remember what you've learned.
           It can also lead to multiple organ failure and heart disorders,heart attack,heart failure, irregular heart beat,stroke and diabetes.

           Sleep deprivation kills the sex drive sleep deprived men and women show lower libidos and less interest in sex.
            Much of men with sleep apnea(obstructive sleep deprivation)
Report lower level of testosterone.
             Sleep deprivation also causes depression and anxiety.
              Sleep deprived people release more cortisol that breaks skin collagen and you look aged.
              Lack of sleep doubles the risk of death by cardiovascular disease.
             Also cause infertility,psychosis,memory loss,suppressed immune response, brain damage.

How to get back on track:-
  • By avoiding daytime naps.      
  •  Going to bed at same time.
  •   You can also use alarm to remember sleep time.
  • Waking up every morning at same time.
  • Sticking to your bedtime schedule during weekend and holiday.
  •  Avoid heavy meals.
Benefits of overcoming sleep deprivation:-
                       You will be more happy, more energetic,problem solving ability will increase, concentration increase, cognitive brain function increas, you'll look more younger,sex drive will increase,you feel happy.                          Circadian rhythm
              Circadian rhythm is basically a 24 hour internal clock  that is running in background of your brain and sync you with your home environment.
              But when you cross two or more time zones your circadian rythms get confused and it is known as jet lag. Circadian rhythm s are affected by melanopsin present in ratina(intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cell).
            And circadian rhythm s are affected by blue spectrum light and thus all cell phone have yellow light filter. 

An experiment done in rodent showed that sleep deprivation cause multiple organ failure.
             Now you're able to identify that you are sleep deprived or not and even I was sleep deprived.
                        Thank you