Friday, June 5, 2020

The epidemic of sleep deprivation|Insomnia|Sleep loss|

And it make me eligible to give information about sleep deprivation epidemic to all people.

Firstly the word deprivation :-
                                         The lack of benefits considered to be a basic necessities  in society.

Sleep deprivation:-
                                The lack of sleep is known as sleep deprivation.

                         Most of people's are affected from sleep deprivation epidemic and mostly in developing countries.
                         The word epidemic because it is constantly spreading and growing and it is caused due to the attitude in society that sleep is highly compressible so we can compress it to gain more productivity but rather tha gaining productivity we gain aggressiveness,insomnia, lazy, drowsy and lack of concentration and many more diseases.
                       And it is a real problem because now we have more and more evidence that sleep loss both accutely or when it is a chronic a little sleep loss over many nights can lead to very serious consequences for our health and brain function.
                      Maximum people's are not aware of it that's why people's are not taught often and the attitude developed.
            3 in 10 working adults report that the sleep less than 6 hours in 24 hour periode. 
         7-9 hours of sleep is recomended to adults.
          Sleep deprivation is public health hazard:-
                          Sleep deprivation hurt cognitive process of learning and thinking and it impairs alertness,concentration, Reasoning,problem solving and dumbs you down.
          And also if you don't get enough sleep you won't be able to remember what you've learned.
           It can also lead to multiple organ failure and heart disorders,heart attack,heart failure, irregular heart beat,stroke and diabetes.

           Sleep deprivation kills the sex drive sleep deprived men and women show lower libidos and less interest in sex.
            Much of men with sleep apnea(obstructive sleep deprivation)
Report lower level of testosterone.
             Sleep deprivation also causes depression and anxiety.
              Sleep deprived people release more cortisol that breaks skin collagen and you look aged.
              Lack of sleep doubles the risk of death by cardiovascular disease.
             Also cause infertility,psychosis,memory loss,suppressed immune response, brain damage.

How to get back on track:-
  • By avoiding daytime naps.      
  •  Going to bed at same time.
  •   You can also use alarm to remember sleep time.
  • Waking up every morning at same time.
  • Sticking to your bedtime schedule during weekend and holiday.
  •  Avoid heavy meals.
Benefits of overcoming sleep deprivation:-
                       You will be more happy, more energetic,problem solving ability will increase, concentration increase, cognitive brain function increas, you'll look more younger,sex drive will increase,you feel happy.                          Circadian rhythm
              Circadian rhythm is basically a 24 hour internal clock  that is running in background of your brain and sync you with your home environment.
              But when you cross two or more time zones your circadian rythms get confused and it is known as jet lag. Circadian rhythm s are affected by melanopsin present in ratina(intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cell).
            And circadian rhythm s are affected by blue spectrum light and thus all cell phone have yellow light filter. 

An experiment done in rodent showed that sleep deprivation cause multiple organ failure.
             Now you're able to identify that you are sleep deprived or not and even I was sleep deprived.
                        Thank you

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