Sunday, May 17, 2020

THE BIOHACK - Night vision to be a superhuman ep-1

Every child wanted to become superhuman in their younger age so here I'm going to describe a BIOHACKER who increased their vision and got night vision.
Dog's eye have more rod than a human so they can see much better than human in night and also they have a tissue called tapetum lucidum humans lack this tissue.

In California 2015 a team of self described biohackers called "science for masses" applied ce-6 (chlorin e -6) .

Ce-6 is a tetrapyroll and chlorophyll analogue and used to treat night blindness and also used cancer therapy.

"Science for masses" found this idea from a patient filed in 2012 claiming that mixture of Ce-6,insulin and saline is when applied to eye and absorbed by ratina result in increased night vision up to 50 meter.

And patient also mention (DMSO) Dimethyl sulfoxide to increase permeability.but science for masses used both dimethyl sulfoxide and insulin to increase permeability.

Ce-6 was found to be a black powedr which clung to all surface.

Constituent are 
 200mg ce-6+2 ml insulin+5.3 ml sterile saline+0.9 percent sodium chloride+625  micro litr (DMSO) and sealed with parafilm to sonicate.

And the mixture  was sonicated briefly 30 second for proper dispersal of powedr into saturated solution. 
   And after application of eyedrop subject is able to identify thing at 50 meter distance of night vision.

          Thank you

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