Monday, August 10, 2020

Recovering chinese economy when world is slowed down.


China's economy is currently seems to be recovering from the pandemic slow down induced by pandemic as their export rised by 7.2 percent in july friday.

instead of drop in exports chinese export is growned according to chinese govt they have predicted an loss of 0.2%-0.7%  loss in exports due to lockdown and weakened demand.

China was the first country to broke out and also the first country to reopen after anouncement of ruling communist party declared victory over the disease in march.

and also they have suffered worst economic contraction in decade as a result of the economic shutdown.with contracted import  of 1.45 which is predicted 1.0% increase.

And medical export growth picked up from 41.4% to china iron ore import in july is growing up by 24% from custom data showed on friday.

last month 112.65 million ton's steel ingredients arrived and in june 101.65 million ton's which is 91.2 milion itn's in july 2019.

China have brought 659.6 million ton's of iron ore from same periode last year recording an 11.8 % growth.

since gradiance between china in galwan valley in may new delhi has been working on policies to scrutinise chinese goods into country.

directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT) Is encouraging local manufacturing by anouncing an restriction on color television sets.

On thhe otrher hand chinese smartphone sharein indian market fell from 81% to 72% in june 2020.

And there may be also an extra custom duty in active pharmaceutical products(APC).

Indian pharmaceutical industry depends heavily on chinese (API) 68%.

                                                          Thank you



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