Saturday, August 8, 2020

Herd Immunity:Do we get for corona virus.

Herd immunity is required not only for us but also for our community.

Now the question what is  herd immunity:- 

                                                                        Herd immunity is when  a large enough portion of a population develops immunity to a infectious disease and it will  provide protection for people who are not immune by reducing the chance of viral exposure for people who may not be able to get vaccination due to underlying medical condition and thus unvaccinated people rely on herd immunity for protection.

 For rubella,smallpox and measels 80% to 94% people need to be exposed to get herd immunity.

it is hard to say when we get herd immunity for covid-19(2019ncov-SARS-2 virus) we dont know how long immunity will last after disease exposure.

As sweden experimented of possibly with a goal of acquiring a herd immunity resulted as worse condition.Sweden's public health authorities decided to not to take any action against corona virus they take school and buisness opened and never made testing a priority .

In recent essay in "USA TODAY" which appeared under the headline (Don't do what we did )"25 Swedish doctors and researchers said the virus has killed swedes at higher rate than in the united states and BBC reported that Sweden has one of the highest death rate relative to population in europe and it is still unknown weather sweden has acquired any herd immunity or not.

Keyword:- Pandemic,Herd immunity,2019ncov-SARS-2 virus,Corona virus,covid-19,Rubella,Measles,Smallpox,Vaccine.

                                 🤓Thank you🤓

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